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EOX drum 
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum 

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum
€682.00 €659.00


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Hi everybody who are interested in Kuzhebarian culture!

We're happy to present you the new T-Shirts with kuzhebarian shamanic motif. On these T-Shirts you can see the arch-father and creator of Ancient Kuzhebar  Yagdyn Staroy. According to ancient kuzhebarian tales he has four faces looking to the four winds. Each face is blown by the special wind, his "caboo" are fluttering in these winds. "Caboo" are special unaccountable outgrowths on Yagdyns' faces. Yagdyn being exists in a turquoise-blue quasiwater ambience. His usual attribute is a big crystal-clear fancifully formed seashell, he lets it sound with the help of his caboo.

Please note that by buying these T-Shirts you're supporting not only the artists, but also the vanishing siberian culture that we're trying to keep, to develop and to spread!

You can click to pictures to enlarge.


T-Shirt "Yagdyn",
for men, artwork by
Kuzhebar Design

depicting the arch-father and creator of Ancient Kuzhebar Yagdyn Staroy
- 12,- Euro

choose your size:
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T-Shirt "Yagdyn",
for women, artwork by
Kuzhebar Design

depicting the arch-father and creator of Ancient Kuzhebar Yagdyn Staroy
- 12,- Euro

choose your size:
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Here you can see new models of drums  made by David&Roman Drums with pyrography and henna design of Julia Surba

A frame drum:

  Drum_JeanBest Drum_JeanFront

Fragments of pyrography and henna design:

  Drum_JeanFragment  Drum_Jean_CentralSymbolLogo


and a shamanic drum (deer skin):

ShamDrumWHolderFront  ShamDrumWHolderBack

as usual both drums are high quality tunable drums. The shamanic drum is still for sell only for 230,- Euro.

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The old small charming village Boltana placed high in Pyrenees gave kind welcome for music instruments builders, musicians and guests from different countries. They all came because of Pirenostrum, the festival of music instruments. pirenostrum Pyrenees CasaCoronel Here everybody knows each other and the old stoned houses called ???casa??? always have their own names. For our exhibition stand we got place in the beautiful casa Coronel. Stand street Each day was full of program and a lot of visitors came to see and to try bagpipes from differents parts of Spain, hurdy gurdy, flutes, drums etc. etc. etc??? The old casa Coronel was full with people too. They were interested in our instruments: jews harps, futuristic fujaras, futujaras Visitors2 NadiFutujaraTesting and bagpipes as also nice small flutes from Mallorca called Xirimjeta made by our friend Junajo: a talented painter, ceramist, biologist and bagpipe builder in one! With him we were happy to travel and have the stand together. JuanjoInstruments Juanjo during smal breaks Julia was decorating the bagpipe made by Junajo and Nadishana was playing Futuristic Fujara, so no time was lost there:)! YulkaBagpipe NadiFujara During the festival there were two good surprises, which were very special for us. The first was a meeting with an innovator in bagpipe building ??? Francisco Calvo Regueiro, very nice person. His gaitas can be easily played for about half an hour without hard blowing into the bag!!! Sounds like a dream for a bagpipe player, wright?! And Francisco was very interested in futurustuc fujara. Of course in this situation the exchange of instruments was the best solution for both: Nadishana and Francisco:) BagpipemakerFujara Bagpipemaker The second thing was a meeting with a boy from the village who had seen the concert of Vladiswar Nadishana at the Conspiremus-festival two years ago and was infected by the wish to learn to play jews harp. We remembered him well, because he came after the concert to the stage to see the jews harp from a close distance, and Nadishana was showing him how it works. Now he came especially to get his first jews harp from Nadishana and was very happy after he hold his own one in the hand. We hope to see him next time playing! Children
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HomusBoxCirclewithNameWeb HomusBoxThreewithNameWeb the boxes depic mainly the figure of one of ancient kuzhebarian dethless creatures named Kuzheshu, what means first fish or fish-mother. This edition is now available
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The Futujara is our experimental instrument which was developed in collaboration with
Max Brumberg.

It have unique possibility to connect 4 different tubes in 4 keys: C,D, A and G, and if you disconnect all playing tubes you get overtone flute in A. But futujara is not only multi-key set of fujara, it also gives you amazing possibility to play in totally different way! The hose attached to futujara makes it really maneuverable and you can use technique which is used in playing on kalyuka, russian overtone flute (see the video for details).

Details and pricing here


1. Five instruments in one: four fujaras (C,D,A,G) and one overtone flute in A!
2. Extremely maneaurable. The hose gives you possibility to use kalyuka technique
3. Very well tuned in western concert temperated tuning
4. Collapsible (no hassle during transportation)
5. Extremely light
6. Professional quality of sound
7. The holes are close together so you can use different fingering and apply the techniques from other flutes (see video for details)
8. Very easy to play, everybody can start playing right away!
9. Highly durable, made from PVC
10. Cheapest fujara ever!
11. UNIQUE: not present on a market anywhere else!

NOTE: you should disconnect the hose from time to time and get the water out!

Please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to place an order and to get the shipping price which depends on your location.


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in April 2008 my music was used for the choreography at Bolshoi Theater (Moscow, Russia). The Choreographer Andrey Melanjin have chosen the track "Cat's Love Song" for his miniature in modern style.

The vocal on this track was performed by my cat Basik and i made an arrangement. We was invited to the premiere. It's a pity that he's dead and can't attend this significant event!

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The excerpt from the concert of Nadishana with Hadouk Trio. Lyon, 16.05.08
Steve Shehan - Hadgini Udu
Vladiswar Nadishana - kou xiang, teapot with water


Steve Shehan is the legendary multi-instrumentalist, composer, innovator and creator of new approach to world music production. In the beginning of 90's accidentally i got the cassette with his "Arrows" and "Indigo Dreams" albums. I was blown away by his revolutionary method of composition, playing and producing. Those recordings  stuck in my player for ten years and strongly influenced my own way to make music. I was infected by idea of multi-layered studio overdubbing and i started to search, collect and learn to play the instruments from various ethnic traditions of the world. Steve's recordings showed me the endless possibilities of one-man studio production. Self-taught musician, he, in fact, invented his own techniques of playing and recording/editing. The integrity of those two factors creates his unique universe of sound which is instantly recognizable. From the scratch he created the whole amazing world of music which never existed.

In one of interviews in Internet I mentioned Steve as an inspiration. And in unexpected way that gave me the possibility to get in touch with him personally. One day i got an email:

"Hi, Steve Shehan writing. I'm very happy to discover pieces of your music, I would be interested to hear more. Thanks for your kind words concerning your inspiration, it's such a joy and a feeling of achievement to see that creation has no borders. Be safe & happy holidays!

I was really surprised and honored to recieve it! Of course I wrote him back the happy answer. The power of internet connected us: the director of Safar Productions Talia Mouracad?© found my interview by googling Steve's name and played to him my music.

Later Steve visited our place in Berlin during his tour with Hadouk Trio and then he invited me to play concert with Hadouk and visit his studio near Paris.

That was really unique experience to play with those monsters of world music and to learn from all three of them!

Later in his studio ( huge farm overwhelmed with hundreds of musical instruments) Steve explained me his way of production and I was even more amazed by this. I realized that in his records he never used the click or any electronic time sync and he never had used programming at all! All instruments are played in real time, even keyboards and samplers. While I thought he is a computer freak using most advanced digital/MIDI/sampling technologies:)

And what is most important for me, in personal communication with him i discovered that he is amazing personality: very generous, sincere and intelligent man, musical hard worker, great story teller who has tasteful sense of humor.

Check out his youtube account, myspace page and website 

this is my favorite videos from Steve: christal organ, utar udu demonstration, hang drumming, calabash .

Here's his latest CD/DVD Assikel (this one is awesome, trust me)

I hope our collaboration will continue!

Paris 155

Paris 103

Paris 131

Paris 213

Paris 215

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